Generations Barber Co.

*YINZERS * of the Burgh, I am Paul Altomare and I have been around a Barbershop my entire life. I have built up a great client base over the last 18 months right down Penn Ave. at the former HAIR SALOON in EAST LIBERTY. I was born and raised in Weirton, not far from the Steel City. In one way or another the Altomare's have been serving Western PA, The Ohio Valley and our Freedom for over 80 years...Now, with a new look, some new services I am going to continue what my Grandfather started after WW II. With that said I can't wait to pass on my experience and some of the best memories of my life...just hangin around the shop! I look forward to the journey and to my clients...I'm back!!!

Business Hours

10 AM - 6 PM
12 PM - 6 PM
12 PM - 8 PM
12 PM - 8 PM
10 AM - 6 PM
7 AM - 4 PM

Cancellation Policy

Generations Barber Co. understands that life has emergencies and will continue to work with you to make our relationship beneficial to both of us. Due to a very large increase in last minute cancellations and No Call No Shows, Generations Barber is implementing a NEW Cancellation/No Show Policy starting July 1, 2023. 1. 24 hour Cancellation Policy either online or text me at 304-670-2220. (No Fee & No Problem). This is much appreciated. Thank you!!! 2. No Call No Shows (For First Time Appointment) - the rise in these appointments has tripled in the last year. All it takes is a quick text message to cancel your appointment so this policy has little wiggle room. If you are a new first time client and you No Call No Show your online booking will be revoked and you will need to text or call me at 304-670-2220 to schedule an appointment. Also you will be asked to pay for missed No Show appointment and the next appointment up front. After some time the online booking will be restored. 3. Cancellations/No Call No Show Under 24 Hours Existing Clients - If existing clients No Call No Show you will be asked to pay for missed appointment. If existing clients cancel same day but at least 4 hours before appointment you will be asked to pay 1/2 of cancelled appointment (This may be waived if another booking is scheduled). Finally if existing clients cancel anytime less than 4 hours before appointment you will be asked to pay full price of canceled appointment. (YOU MUST TEXT OR CALL ME ON ANYTHING UNDER 24 HOURS THE SCHEDULING APP DOES NOT LET YOU CANCEL ONLINE THE SAME DAY) Once you pay for the missed appointment and pay for your next scheduled appointment up front you can reschedule online yourself or I can do it for you. With all of this being said I appreciate and respect each and everyone of you! My current clients have been the reason for my success and my future clients are the reason I have a future. I also know that emergencies happen and I will and can waive and adjust fees if needed. Thank you all in advance! Paul A. Altomare Owner